The submission deadline of post deadline papers
from the EDAS (web) system
6pm (JST) on October 17th Friday
The submission deadline of post deadline papers
on site submission
(hand-in at the conference registration desk)
6pm (JST) on October 20th Monday
Paper Submission Regulations and Agreements
Please, carefully read and strictly follow the instructions given below
and on the EDAS submission system.
1. Preparation of Your Paper
Please use the
IEEE provided templates when preparing your paper.
Note that the final paper must be in Portable Document Format (PDF).
The paper should have at least 2 pages and must not exceed 4 pages.
2. Preparation of the PDF Manuscript
For converting your source files (word, ps, etc) to PDF we strongly recommend
to use IEEE PDF eXpress™, a free service for submissions. IEEE PDF eXpress™ will
accept your source files (word, ps, etc.) and create a pdf file in accordance
with the IEEE guidelines (Conversion function) or, it will check your own PDF for
IEEE Xplore compatibility (PDF Check function).
Note that IEEE PDF eXpress converts or checks the file, but you still have to submit the final (converted) pdf file to the EDAS submission system.
To convert your document to PDF or to check your PDF file now, follow the link:

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Conference ID: 32031X
3. Copyright Transfer
If the paper is accepted, the copyright of the paper will be transferred
to the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
Please fill out the
IEICE Copyright Transfer Form and submit in PDF via EDAS.
The authors retain the following rights:
(1) All proprietary rights other than copyrights.
(2) Re-use of all or part of the paper in their work.
(3) Reproduction of the paper for author's personal use or for company/institution
use provided that
(a) the permission of the IEICE is obtained prior to reproduction,
(b) the source and IEICE copyright notice are indicated,
(c) the copies per se are not offered for sale.
(4) The consent of the author (or one of the authors) be sought
as a condition in granting republication permission to others.
4. About IEEE Xplore
If the paper is accepted, it will be included in the IEICE proceedings
archives. Also, it will be included in the IEEE Xplore based on agreement
between IEICE and IEEE.
GO to EDAS system to submit a paper for MWP2014:
Notice:To enter EDAS system, agreement of abobe check box is required.

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For questions about paper submissions, please contact the MWP2014 Technical
Program Committee at